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[Emerald] 경영 경제 Hot Issues in Emerald



경영 경제 Hot Issues in Emerald


·     Benchmarking the efficiency of the Korean banking sector: a DEA approach (Korean author)

·      Small business marketing and relationship marketing in Asia Pacific 

·      Differences in knowledge acquisition mechanisms between IJVs with Western vs Japanese parents:  Focus on factors comprising absorptive capacity (Korean author)

·      Real-time business process monitoring using formal concept analysis (Korean author)

·      External validity of market segmentation methods:  a study of buyers of prestige cosmetic brands (Korean author)

·      The influence of consumer's event quality perception on destination image (Korean author)

·      Building Brand Loyalty through Managing Brand Community Commitment (Korean author)

·       A new understanding of satisfaction model in e-Re-purchase situation (Korean author)

·      In-group preference as opportunism governance in a collectivist culture: evidence from Korean retail buyer-supplier relationships (Korean author)

·       Phase out nukes? The answer depends on where you live

·       A study of oil and natural gas resources and production

·        Made in China but sold at FAO Schwarz: country-of-origin effect and trusting beliefs

·       The effects of advertising spending on brand loyalty in services (Korean author)

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* 우리도서관에서 구독 중인 Emeraldinsight Management e-Journals (EMeJ) 1967 University of Bradford 에서 시작한 이래 경영, 경제, 행정, 교육, 사회과학, 문헌정보 관련 peer-reviewed학술저널과, 단행본시리즈, Case study 경영 경제 분야 출판사 입니다.

* Emerlad 접속 방법
  도서관 홈페이지 > 전자자료검색 > 학술데이터베이스 > E > Emerald



* 문의

  - 중앙도서관 3층 참고자료실: 02-820-6194 / twinsjo@cau.ac.kr